Welcome to the Flat-Coated Retriever Foundation donation page. From this page you can generously contribute to our organization. The transaction is safely and securely processed through PayPal ©.

As a service to our donors, you are free to submit memorials for display in our memorial section as well as in the quarterly FCRSA newsletter. All memorials will be processed to the FCRSA newsletter through 10:00 pm. Chicago time on the newsletter deadline date. (Generally the deadline is Jan 10, April 10, July 10 and Oct 10). Any memorial submitted after 10pm on the deadline will be printed in the next newsletter


Note: Memorial entries are made on the next page

  1. Fill in the total amount for all memorials you will be entering
  2. Fill in your name (as you want it to appear on the Memorial)
  3. Fill in your contact information: use the email that you use for Paypal
  4. Complete the “Captcha” security block
  5. Click on “SUBMIT”

(This opens the Memorials entry page)

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