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Click on the "Make a donation" button to make an online donation to the Foundation through Paypal© or to download the donation form. All donations will be acknowledged via email or snail mail by the Foundation Treasurer and will be printed in the next FCRSA newsletter dependent on the newsletter deadline.

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* Please note that memorials prior to July 10th, 2005 cannot be viewed online.

Title Details Presented By Date
In memory of In Memory of Harry my very first flat coat. You went beyond what we ever expected. In Memory of Olliver. Your departure was unexpected. We are thankful for the 9 years we spent with you. Loving both of you forever. Nancy Tryba and Arnold Glowacki Nancy Tryba 09/02/2024
In honor of Valley Crest Mother Confessor BN RN CGCA (Kahlan) And Catori These Dreams CGC (Walter) Robert D. Westcott 09/01/2024
In memory of Windrose Glory Of Zeddicus BN RN CGCA (Zedd) (02/02/2010 - 10/19/2017) Robert D. Westcott 09/01/2024
In honor of Valley Crest Mother Confessor BN RN CGCA (Kahlan) And Catori These Dreams CGC (Walter) Robert D. Westcott 08/01/2024
In memory of Windrose Glory Of Zeddicus BN RN CGCA (Zedd) (02/02/2010 - 10/19/2017) Robert D. Westcott 08/01/2024
In memory of Flynn - gone 5 years; missed daily. Karen Dolphin 07/27/2024
In honor of test memorial... Mike Linvelle 07/23/2024
In honor of test Mike Linvelle 07/23/2024
In honor of test mike Mike 07/23/2024
In honor of test memorial.. mike 07/23/2024
In memory of Murphy, who started it all, Shadow, Truly, Reo and Beans who was my last Flat-Coat. Mary Beth Bissig 07/21/2024
In honor of Kistryl St Peter's Keys of Heaven "Pete" Michael Chrisos 07/13/2024
In honor of Kistryl Shooting Star Contessa "Tess" Michel Mahaffey 07/13/2024
In honor of Kistryl Woodland Trillium "Hank" Stephen & Angela Papalas 07/13/2024
In honor of Kistryl Jasmine "Jazz" Nancy & Kenneth Triou 07/13/2024
In honor of Kistryl Goldenrod "Goose" Kane Benson 07/13/2024
In honor of Kistryl Jack in the Pulpit "Jack" Raymond Czubek 07/13/2024
In honor of Kistryl Edelweis "Sequoia" Eva Rudisile 07/13/2024
In honor of 2023 new titles earned by Susan Klein's Morgan and Yuko Okazato's Forrest & Kai Southern Skies FCRC c/o Susan Klein Treasurer 07/13/2024
In memory of Fenigan - GCHB CH IntlCH Jubilee Black Irish UD PCDX BN GN GO RM4 RAE3 JH OJP CGCA TKI UCD URO1 L1C L1I WC VFCR1 RATI HOF Carolee Boyles 07/07/2024